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The Midwest Warriors program is open to girls from 7 years old through 17 years old.Those players and families are ready to commit to the program and team, and each player immeasurably contributes to the program’s success.  If you’re already working hard and want more, we are the softball family you’re missing. 2024/2025


Check-In will happen in the parking lot of Patriot Park in Grand Chute. Please arrive on time and allow yourself time to warm-up. Assessments start on time, please be ready to go at the stated time. Players should come ready to play. Comprising talented young female athletes from north-east Wisconsin, our teams compete fiercely in tournaments throughout Wisconsin.  With age brackets ranging from 8U to 17U, the Warriors have been a launching pad for many aspiring athletes.


2025 Online Registration
Registration Deadline October 4, 2024

Fees and Requirements:
$500 total fee.  Pay in full, or pay in installments below:

  • $300 - Indoor Practice - Due upon registration, deadline by Friday, October 4, 2024

  • $200 - Tournament Registration - Due by December 31, 2024

$50 - discount for families with 2 or more players; discount applies on 2nd child and each after
$25 - Late Fee if not paid in full by Dec. 31, 2024, unless other payment arrangements have been made
$25 - Late fee for registration after the first indoor practice

Fundraising is required. You must sell 35 pizzas during the sale period or pay $150 for a Buy-Out.
Participation in Brat Fry or fundraiser event selected by the Board

The standard uniform costs $125 and consists of one jersey top, two pairs of socks (red and black), two pairs of pants (red and black), and two belts (red and black).
Helmets and extra jersey tops can be purchased during the uniform sizing period.

You will earn money towards the uniform cost based on the pizza sales breakout below:
35 - 40 = $2.00 per Pizza
41 - 50 = $2.50 per Pizza
41 - 69 = $3.00 per Pizza
70 +     = Free Uniform 

IMPORTANT - For Paypal or Venmo payments, please choose "personal payment" as the transaction type and not "payment for goods & services".  If you select "payment for goods & services", the organization will be charged a fee,  where a personal payment is fee free on both sides.


Paypal -

Venmo - @Midwest-Warriors (

Softball Tournament Facebook Cover Photo (2).jpg

One child at a time, one pitch at a time....all for the fun and love of the game. Strengthening minds, strengthening bodies, strengthening families and strengthening communities.

Midwest Warrior Fastpitch Softball 

P.O. Box 2666

Appleton, WI  54914


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